
Bitbucket Repository

Semesters collection of work from LIS4368: Advanced Web Applications Development.

View readme file for full summary of work completed.

Personal Website

Coded from scratch this website (MrMichia.GitHub.io) by utilizing HTML/CSS/JavaScript.

Hosting through GitHub Pages.

Inspect the source code here: Link.


Designed and implemented a fully functional website for a local construction company.

Coded from scratch HTML elements for the content of the website.

Website utilizes a 3rd party API to simplify the database management and hosting for the company owner.

Bitbucket Repository

Semesters collection of work from LIS3781: Advanced Database Management.

View readme file for full summary of work completed.

ERD Creation Gallery

Developed from a set of buisness rules ERD models for my Intermediate Database Managment class.

Visualized MySQL data, sourced from a random data generator, to reflect a database design created from provided buisness rules.

Recieved full credit for the provided assignments.

Project 1:

Assignment 3:

Assignment 2:

Data Dictionary Gallery

Created a set of Data Dictionaries that coordinate with each of the database ERD models provided above.

Data provided in the Excel sheets were sourced using a random data generator.

Recieve full credit for these assignments.

FSU - What is CCI?

With the goal of providing information to future CCI students, I created an explanatory explaining the 3 schools within FSU's College of Communication and Information.

Created the video from scratch and collaborated with a small team to creat a cohesive script.

Utilized iMovie and Adobe Premiere for the video editing process.

Drone Safety Video

With the goal of expanding highschool students knowledge on Drone operations and precautions, me and my group produced a 3 part video series revolving around the topic of drone usage/safety/setup.

Reponsibilities in the group included video editing and voiceover for Video 2: "Drone Etiquette & Safety".

Utilized iMovie and Adobe Premiere for the video editing process.

Stem HS Video

In an effort to better provide high school students with knowledge regarding a STEM based education/career path, I co-lead a group of 6 members where we produced a 3 part video series revolving around the topic of STEM.

Reponsibilities in the group included video editing and voiceover for Video 1: "What is S.T.E.M.".

Utilized iMovie and Adobe Premiere for the video editing process.

UX Redesign Projects

Collaborated on developing UX centered prototypes, by redesigning various established interface's. Involved considering hypothetical users actions that might change for different tasks.

Involved group collaboration with prototype design/consideration through Balsamic and Google collaborative softwares.

Mock UI Development

Considered a UX approach with designing a proposed interface. Involved considering hypothetical users profiles and features that might account for these users.

Created mock interfaces for my proposed application and demonstrated functionality based on proposed user profiles.

Interactive Prototype

Created an interactive prototype made using Balsamiq. Project was to create an interactive prototype to help facilitate student FSU card check-in's for campus events.


Harvard-edX: CS50x Verified Certificate

"Harvard University's foundation courses to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming."

Completed 10 modules of lectures & psets, oriented around C/SQL/Python coding exercises.

Completed a final project that consisted of creating from scratch a website via which a user can register/login to a personalized account that manages a mock portfolio of real stock data queried from a 3rd party stock exchange database.
